Jeethu Joseph, the director of Mohanlal starrer Malayalam movie Drishyam 2: The Resumption, is currently working with Venkatesh Daggubati for the Telugu version of the thriller – Drushyam 2. This upcoming thriller drama Drushyam 2 will mark Joseph’s maiden foray into Telugu cinema. Drishyam 2 is the sequel to 2013 blockbuster Drishyam. The sequel, set 6 years after the events of the first movie, which was based on a story of a father who went to great lengths to cover up the murder which was committed by his wife and daughter. According to the sources, Jeethu Joseph is making a few changes to the script of Drushyam 2 now.
Apparently, the director Jeethu was unable to shoot a few scenes in the Malayalam version of Drishyam 2 starring Mohanlal due to the lockdown and the coronavirus pandemic. Now, he wants to shoot them in Drushyam 2 in which Venkatesh is playing the lead role. The reports are coming that Venkatesh gave Jeethu full freedom and he is incorporating the changes.
The first part of the Telugu remake, featured Venkatesh Daggubati, Meena and Nadhiya, and it was released in 2014. The film Drushyam was helmed by Supriya and it did well at the box office.
On the otherside, Venkatesh will also be seen playing the lead role in a Telugu movie Naarappa, which is remake of Tamil revenge drama Asuran.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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