After delivering Varudu Kaavalenu, Naga Shaurya made his comeback with the sport based movie Lakshya in which he played the role of an archer. Written and helmed by Dheerendra Santhossh Jagarlapudi, the film Lakshya was released on 10th December and opened to a good response despite being a non-holiday release. Now according to the latest report, Naga Shaurya starrer Lakshya has become the latest victim of the piracy as the movie has been leaked online by Tamilrockers and the others piracy sites. Currently Lakshya is available on the Internet for the free download.
Earlier films like Love Story, Paagal, Most Eligible Bachelor, Gamanam, Vakeel Saab and Akhanda were also leaked on these very same platforms. And now Lakshya has been leaked on the Internet. It can affect the box office collections of the film.
The dialogues of the film are written by Srujanamani, the film has Ketika Sharma as the leading lady. Apart from the lead actors, the movie also has Sachin Khedekar, Jagapathi Babu, Satya and Ravi Prakash in the crucial roles. Raam is the cinematographer, Kaala Bhairava is the music composer and Junaid Siddiqui is the editor.
On the otherside, Naga Shaurya has number of projects such as Phalana Abbai Phalana Ammai, Police Vari Hecharika, Nari Nari Naduma Murari and others in pipeline.
Also Read:
Naga Shaurya Lakshya certified with clean U
Lakshya Saya Saya song : Romantic melody
from NEWS – Tollywood
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