Bramha Mishra found dead: According to the latest report, Mirzapur and Badrinath Ki Dulhania fame actor Bramha Mishra was found dead at his Mumbai residence. The police said that his body was found on the bathroom floor of his house where he lived alone. The police are suspecting that Brahma Mishra died due to a cardiac arrest and they sent the actor’ body for an autopsy.
Several netizens are mourning the death of 36 years old actor. The tributes to Bramha Mishra from his colleagues and fans have flooded social media. His last Instagram video is also going viral on the internet. In the video, the actor was seen dancing to the viral song ‘In Da Ghetto’ with one of his friends.
The streaming platform Amazon Prime Video that hosted the hit series wrote on the wall of Twitter, “Brahma Mishra, our Lalit. Thank you for making us laugh, thank you for making us cry. Thank you for always reminding us the loyalty and love a friendship holds. Always in our heart. RIP, brahma mishra.”
Brahma Mishra has also acted in Akshay Kumar starrer Kesari, Badrinath Ki Dulhania starring RRR fame Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan, and Ayushmann Khurrana starrer Hawaizaada.
Several other celebrities from the film Industry have also expressed their shock and grief after learning about the untimely demise of Brahma Mishra.
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