Vaishnav Tej, the nephew of Megastar Chiranjeevi and the younger brother of Sai Dharam Tej, made his debut in Telugu film industry with the movie Uppena which was a blockbuster at the box office. It was helmed by Buchi Babu Sana and had Krithi Shetty as the leading lady. Despite the Coronavirus pandemic, the movie lovers flocked theaters to watch the film ‘Uppena’ which had collected a whopping Rs 100 crores, a first time feat for a debutant hero and heroine and a director. Vaishnav Tej and Kriti Shetty struck a chord with audiences as their performance was appreciated by the movie lovers as well as critics. The romantic drama Uppena created a storm with a massive TRP of 18.5 which is highest for a debut hero Vaishnav Tej. In its second Telecast the movie Uppena garnered TRP of 11.37.
The romantic film Uppena has the music by Devi Sri Prasad, and cinematography by Sham Dat. Every technical department working in synchrony under the banner of Mythri Movie Makers, ensured the film unit tasted the success.
The film Uppena also has Tamil actor Vijay Sethupathy in the crucial roles. Currently, Uppena is streaming on Netflix.
On the otherside, Vaishnav Tej will be next seen playing the lead role in Krish’ directorial venture which has Rakul Preet Singh in the lead role.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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