Prabhas and Radha Krishna Kumar’ film Radhe Shyam has already generated good buzz among the movie lovers. It is a periodic drama which has Pooja Hegde in the female lead role. Today the makers of Radhe Shyam released the song Nagumomu Thaarale. This melodious track is composed by Justin Prabhakaran, and lyricist Krishna Kanth penned soulful lyrics for this song. Sensational singer Sid Sriram crooned this romantic song in Telugu.
Nagumomu Thaarale is a classic romantic track filled with rich visuals shot in picturesque locations. Kannada and Malayalam versions titled NaguvanthaThaareye and MalaroduSaayame are crooned by Sooraj Santhosh. The song also released in Hindi is titled Aashiqui Aa Gayi, which is crooned by Arjit Singh.
One of the netizens named Paavani said, Both versions are good hindi one is kind of rock + soothing and Telugu one is classical + soothing. Another youtube user said, The perfect Actor Prabhas. His Acting, smile, Personality just his screen presence can create a great impact. A musi9c lover named Suraj added: As usual sid with voice and prabhas with acting and justin with class and again radhe shyam movie with visual wonders some things will never change
RRR is a period romantic drama in which Prabhas is playing the role of palmist and Pooja Hegde will be seen in the role of Prerna.
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