Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu‘ sister and Sudheer Babu‘s wife Priyadarshini filed a complaint against socialite Shilpa Chowdary. According to the reports, superstar Krishna’s daughter Priyadarshini approached Narsingh police and filed a complaint against Shilpa Chowdary and alleged that she cheated Rs 2.9 Cr promising in the name of high returns.
It is known that Narsingi police have intensified the investigation into the multi-crore fraud case of socialite turned Telugu producer T Shilpa Chowdary and her husband T Srinivas Prasad. The police are saying that the couple targeted rich people from film industry, politicians and business families and invited them for theme based parties, kitty parties and other social gatherings organized at the farm houses, resorts, etc.
Priyadarshini said that she came in touch with Shilpa Chowdary through kitty parties and convinced her to invest in the real estate business.
The list of Shilpa Chowdary victims is growing with each passing day. Several other people who were allegedly cheated by the couple, have also approached the police. Now, Sudheer Babu’s wife and Mahesh Babu’s sister Priya has approached the cops. Priyadarshini had lodged a complaint with the Narsingi police.
On the otherside, currently Mahesh Babu is working with Parasuram for an upcoming film Sarkaru Vaari Paata which is slated to hit the theaters on 1st April.
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from NEWS – Tollywood
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