The young actor Kartikeya is currently working for an upcoming film Raja Vikramarka, in which he is playing the role of NIA officer. The film marks the directorial debut of ‘Sri Saripalli’, who earlier worked as an assistant director for films such as Naayak, Nuvvu Thopu Raa and Alludu Seenu. Kartikeya starrer action and spy thriller Raja Vikramarka is gearing up for the grand release on 12th November. Now according to the latest update, Great India Films is going to release Kartikeya starrer Raja Vikramarka in overseas. The film marks the debut of Tanya Ravichandran in Telugu Film Industry.
Apart from the lead pair, Raja Vikramarka and Tanya Ravichandran, the film also has Tanikella Bharani, Harshavardhan, Pasupathy, Sai Kumar, Sudhakar Komakula, Jabardasth Naveen in the important roles.
The first look, teaser, and trailer got immense response from movie lovers. The film is bankrolled by Rama Reddy under the banner of Sree Chitra Movie Makers, has the music by Prashant Vihari and while PC Mouli and Jesvin Prabhu are handling the cinematography and editing departments respectively.
On the other side, Kartikeya will be seen playing the negative role in upcoming much hyped Tamil drama Valamai which has Thala Ajith in the lead roles.
.@ActorKartikeya‘s intriguing Action-Comedy entertainer #RajaVikramarka overseas Release by @greatindiafilms 🥳
▶️ @SriSaripalli_ @88Ramareddy @AdireddyT @prashanthvihari @SCMMOffl @saregamasouth @PulagamOfficial #RajaVikramarkaOnNov12
— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) November 3, 2021
from NEWS – Tollywood
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