Young and talented actor Vijay Deverakonda attended the pre release event of upcoming much awaited movie Maharshi yesterday as chief guest and shared the dais with Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu. Recently Vijay Deverakonda was also invited to attend the pre release event of Mega Princess Niharika Konidela starrer Suryakantham. It is known news that Mahesh Babu and Vijay Deverakonda are very close together and shares good rapports. During the pre release event of Maharshi, Vijay Deverakonda took to his mike and showered praises for Mahesh Babu. However, Vijay Deverakonda stated, “It is difficult to call Mahesh Babu as ‘sir’. But Still I am trying hard.”
Vijay Deverakonda said, “I am a big fan of Mahesh Babu and since childhood I used to stand in queues at Konark theatre in Dilsukhnagar for tickets of his movies. I want to say my fans to watch Mahesh Babu’ films.” After hearing these words from Vijay Deverakonda, the fans of Mahesh Babu clapped and shouted.
Vijay Deverakonda added, “When my movie Pelli Choopulu was released. I was surprised after seeing the tweet which was made by Mahesh Babu. I was shocked when Mahesh said, Vijay Deverakonda is terrific. So I am requesting to Mahesh Babu sir, please keep tweeting about me and my movies.” After hearing this Mahesh Babu smiles.
Vijay Deverakonda further added, “My birthday falls on 9th May and Maharshi is also arriving at the theaters on the same day so the success of Maharshi is also very important for me.”
Last Year in the month of August, Vijay Deverakonda also visited at the sets of Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi and their pic went viral on social media sites. Vijay Deverakonda shared the pic and Twitter and captioned it, “Mahesshhhh sir and Vamshi anna. Onset #Maharshi. From fighting for his movies tickets to chilling with the man on his set discussing your work. Full love (sic)”
from NEWS – Tollywood
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