On Sunday, Hardik Pandya and fiancee – actor Natasa Stankovic announced that they are excited to welcome a new life in their lives. After Hardik Pandya made official announcement that Natasa Stankovic is pregnant and they are expecting a baby, wishes poured in from all corners. The couple also shared a picture on their official social media sites, where Natasa Stankovic is seen flaunting her baby-bump. Indian skipper Virat Kohli took to Instagram to congratulate the couple. Ravi Shastri also commented on Hardik Pandya’ Instagram post to wish him on the announcement. “Congratulations Hardy and Natasha Stankovic .”
Hardik Pandya plays for in IPL, were among the first ones to reply to his post. His several other national teammates like Yuzvendra Chahal, Mohammed Shami, and Mayank Agarwal posted congratulatory messages for the couple, who got engaged on 1st January this year. Bollywood celebrities including Sunil Shetty, and a bunch of Television actors also congratulated the couple. Natasa Stankovic’ ex-boyfriend, Aly Goni, who was seen with her in Nach Baliye also congratulated the love birds.
The couple Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic is super excited for the arrival of their first baby. The love also got secretly married amidst lockdown in the presence of their family members.
Natasa Stankovic and Hardik have been spending a lot of time together and were apparently also in a live in relationship. Both have been sharing romantic photographs on their social media accounts.
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