Few days ago, the n*ude pic of Bollywood actor Ali Fazal was leaked on the Internet, and went viral. Recently during the media interaction, Ali Fazal said, “The whole incident made me conscious of using the social media. See, technically nothing was leaked the way it was played out in the media.”
He added that a lot of people on the internet termed it as a publicity stunt to market his upcoming film, Milan Talkies. During the promotions of the same film, when he was asked about it, Ali Fazal said, “ I am deeply hurt by people who said that it was for publicity. The picture was actually a production still, which was very sensitive and got leaked by someone from my own team. It was my mistake to put it on Instagram.”
Ali Fazal added that somebody wrote it as a ‘n*de photo’. I was shocked why people are interested to see my n*de pic. There are several actors like John Abraham in the film industry, whom people would love to see. “
Ali Fazal further added, “I did not thought that my single Instagram post would become national news. I thought that I have few followers but now I came to know that the people do check my Instagram handle. Now onwards, I will be careful and think twice before sharing any pic on Instagram.”
Ali Fazal has been the part of several movies like 3 Idiots, Always Kabhi Kabhi, Fukrey and Baat Ban Gayi and he will be next seen in upcoming movie Milan Talkies, directed by Tigmanshu Dhulia, in which Shraddha Srinath is playing the female lead.
Shraddha Srinath is well known face for Telugu audiences as she will be seen sharing the screen space with Natural Star Nani in upcoming sport based drama Jersey.
Apart from Jersey, U Turn fame Shraddha Srinath is also the part of Shadibagya and AK 59.
from NEWS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2tG33mm
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